"Nursing Homes and/or commercial apartment buildings ("Multifamily" faciities) looking for funding for IAQ upgrades and Air Filtration upgrades in PA!? Here it is!
C-PACE legislative financing Advantages: Low Rates, Long Terms (20 years) and no upfront cost for IAQ HVAC project upgrades and much more.
IAQ upgrades are green lighted for commercial C-PACE projects.. and Multifamily commercial properties (nursing homes & apartment complexes) now qualify! Here’s where the money makes sense! Good stuff Here and Now!"
---- Article : Philadelphia C-PACE
" Riverwards Group secures $17.9MM in energy efficiency financing for 220 apartments through C-PACE program expansion
The Philadelphia Energy Authority and Nuveen Green Capital announced the closing of $17.9MM for a 220-unit multifamily property in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia on East Somerset and Tulip Streets. This project is the first in Pennsylvania to take advantage of expanded eligibility for multifamily properties and it is the 12th project in Philadelphia, bringing total C-PACE investments to $117MM.
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing allows for investments in energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy, and now IAQ. "

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Please contact : tim@awesome-air.com to get your building qualification results
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